

210 Uppsatser om Restorative justice - Sida 1 av 14

Samtalet som förändrar livet : En jämförande studie kring medling i Kalmar och Växjö kommun

This essay examines the differences between the mediation practices concering youth crime in the swedish cities of Kalmar and Växjö. The analysis are made with the use of quality interviews which we have linked together with the three theories of Social Control Theory, Restorative justice and Transformative Mediation. There after we have compared the results with one and another. Results show that there both similarities and differences, both in the theoretical aspects and in the organisations, for example the coopiration with the prosecutors and the police..

Ett steg bakåt två steg framåt - En kvalitativ studie av morddömdas sociala och emotionella förändringar i samband med medling i Colombia

The purpose of this study was to investigate and describe the views on how the mediation program Programa Árbol Sicómoro affected inmates?, convicted of murder, own lives. Research questions:? To what extent, and how, has the mediation affected the convicts? views upon themselves and the crime they have been convicted for.? To what extent, and how, has the mediation brought any change to the convicts? imprisonment and if it has changed their look upon the future.The study has been executed using qualitative method. Materials from seven profound interviews have been analysed and condensed using terms from Restorative justice and self-image theories.

Saving the young; Social workers' Perception of Juvenile Crime Prevention in Sweden

This study sought to explore the juvenile crime prevention in Sweden which for the purpose of this report is seen as efforts towards preventing youth criminality and all forms of anti social behaviour by young people.In the study, interviews with six social workers working directly or indirectly with young offenders were conducted. The interview results were analyzed and subjected to transnational comparison with the practice in Kenya. The report explores existing literature on situational crime prevention, Restorative justice, the link between drugs and crime, attachment to parents, peers and involvement in convectional activities, gender differences in criminality, partnerships in crime prevention and the juvenile justice system. It uses control, strain, feminist and social disorganization theories to explain the causes of delinquency, analyzes the perceptions of social workers and discusses what works in juvenile crime prevention. The report identifies the causes of delinquency in Kenya and in Sweden as well as the prevention programs that social workers perceive as effective in addressing youth crime.

Medling i Norrbottens län

Medling är en metod som bygger på Restorative justice och är en världsomspännande företeelse. Det går ut på att den som begått ett brott och den som blivit utsatt för brottet ska få möjlighet att träffas. Detta görs med hjälp av en opartisk medlare. Då medling är frivilligt så kontrollerar medlaren om parterna har en vilja att träffas samt förbereder parterna och tar reda på vilken inställning dessa har. Om parterna vill träffas anordnas ett medlingsmöte.

Tar vi vårt ansvar? En granskning av Sveriges politik för global utveckling

This thesis deals with the theories of ecological and environmental justice and applies them onto Swedish politics. Confronting the divide in the literature between anthropocentric and ecocentric perspectives, its aim is to seek points of agreement within this important field of environmental politics. In the theoretical discussion, definitions are made of the concepts sustainability, justice and responsibility. These definitions try to link ecological and environmental justice arguments with a focus on the global level.The object of analysis is the former Swedish governments? bill ?Common responsibility: Swedish politics for global development? which was accepted in 2003.

EG-domstolen:roll och funktion i en utvidgad europeisk union

The European Court of Justice, the ECJ, has the governing function in the Union as a guardian of law and justice. Even today, with a Union of 15 memberstates, statistics show that the ECJ and the Court of First Instance have increasing difficulties in fulfilling their tasks. This situation is chiefly a cause of an increasing number of cases raised. Due to this, profound changes have to be made in order to preserve common lawagreements in a future expansion of the Union. The purpose of this paper is to exam which changes the Courts have to make in order to meet an increased amount of cases that an enlarged Union would mean..

Fördelning av en kostnad utifrån olika rättviseteorier :

The increasing road traffic in Sweden will require investments in the infrastructure that the tax withdrawal of today will not allow according to a new government report, SOU 2006:33. An existing willingness to pay for those investments has therefore become an alternative to increases in taxation to be able to cover the costs. A proposal to let the willingness to pay, alternatively increases in taxation that act proportional, decide how a cost is distributed can be said to be related, but not fully correspond, with different theories of justice described by Robert Nozick and John Rawls. It can therefore be interesting to see how the two different theories of justice are edified and how they distribute a joint cost. The aim of the first part of the thesis is to present and criticize Rawls' and Nozick's theories of justice in a common formulated economic model.

Är en lojal kund mer förtjänt av en bättre behandling En kvantitativ studie om favoriserande behandlingar till kunder med olika input.

Several studies have examined the effects of perceived justice of preferential treatments to customers, but few have studied these effects when customers have different input. The purpose of the study is therefore to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the effects of preferential treatments to customers with varying input. More specifically, the study focuses on how perceived justice, customer satisfaction and loyalty are affected depending on the customer's input and received treatment. An experimental study with 263 respondents showed that the perceived justice and loyalty intentions among both the receiver and the non-receiver of the preferential treatment were of highest level when it was given to a customer with large input. Customer satisfaction however, was found to be of highest level when customers themselves received preferential treatment, regardless of the size of their input.

Mellan fyra ögon : En studie om gärningspersoners och brottsoffers upplevelser av medling vid brott

The object of this study was to meet with offenders and victims of crime who recently participated in victim-offender-mediation, in order to explore their experiences and feelings about it. The method of research was individual qualitative interviews with two offenders and two crime victims. The main questions aimed to find out how the participants felt about the mediation process, what experiences they had about the person they had to face during the meeting, and finally what thoughts they had about the crime and its consequences. In helping to analyze the results of the interviews,Reintegrative Shaming Theory and Theories of attribution were used. The former was used to try to explain the feelings resembling shame that emerged during the meeting, while the latter was helpful in order to understand the descriptions the participants used when they talked about the other person.

Lika Olika

Several studies have examined the effects of perceived justice of preferential treatments to customers, but few have studied these effects when customers have different input. The purpose of the study is therefore to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the effects of preferential treatments to customers with varying input. More specifically, the study focuses on how perceived justice, customer satisfaction and loyalty are affected depending on the customer's input and received treatment. An experimental study with 263 respondents showed that the perceived justice and loyalty intentions among both the receiver and the non-receiver of the preferential treatment were of highest level when it was given to a customer with large input. Customer satisfaction however, was found to be of highest level when customers themselves received preferential treatment, regardless of the size of their input.

Studio för mekanik och hållfasthetslära - Tillverkning och utveckling av demonstrationsexperiment

Several studies have examined the effects of perceived justice of preferential treatments to customers, but few have studied these effects when customers have different input. The purpose of the study is therefore to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the effects of preferential treatments to customers with varying input. More specifically, the study focuses on how perceived justice, customer satisfaction and loyalty are affected depending on the customer's input and received treatment. An experimental study with 263 respondents showed that the perceived justice and loyalty intentions among both the receiver and the non-receiver of the preferential treatment were of highest level when it was given to a customer with large input. Customer satisfaction however, was found to be of highest level when customers themselves received preferential treatment, regardless of the size of their input.

Innovativ rättsprocess vid våldtäkt (reparativ rättvisa) : En kritik mot den konventionella straffrättsprocessen som den enda rättsliga processen och en diskussion om vägar framåt

Arbetet använder sig av en rättspolitisk metod med fokus på rationalitet, empirism och pragmatism. Slutsatsen som dras i arbetet är att det finns ett tomrum mellan lagstiftarens mål bakom sexualbrotten och medlet för uppnå det genom den konventionella straffrättsprocessen. Tomrummet består dels av att straffrättsprocessen till fullo inte kan omfatta målet, dels att majoriteten av offer som anmäler våldtäkt idag nekas en rättsprocess, och slutligen att en friande våldtäktsdom ändå kan anses innebära att en konflikt återstår. Konflikten som återstår i majoriteten av fallen är mellan den misstänktes upplevelse av ömsesidigt samlag och offrets upplevelse av en kränkning av dennes sexuella självbestämmanderätt och integritet.I detta tomrum diskuteras möjligheten till en påbyggnad av det konventionella i form av innovativa rättsprocesser med större fokus på offret istället för förövaren. En process som söker att reparera offrets upplevda negativa konsekvenser samt tillfredsställa offrets behov av rättvisa, utan att hota straffrättsprocessens funktioner i form av straff, rättssäkerhet och brottsbekämpning.

Kan instruktioner om en rättvis och likabehandlande rekrytering leda till minskad diskriminering?

This study examined if individuals act in a less discriminating way and in a more fair way when they receive instructions about justice and not being discriminating while recruiting. 96 randomly assigned students at the University of Lund participated in this study. The participants were informed that they would act as a recruiter. They would then choose and place three of the best personal record in order of preference. There were three different kinds of company policies/instructions.

Global Ethics in Dialogue : Church Studies on Globalization in Relation to Global Theories of Justice

The globalization of political and economic processes is a growing moral concern for theologians and political philosophers alike. My thesis aims to outline, analyze, and compare church studies of globalization with global theories of justice.To do this, I draw upon recent studies of globalization made by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The WCC and LWF are two global reaching church organizations. They have a common aim of uniting churches for ecumenical dialogue and are involved in social, economic, political, and ecological questions. The WCC and LWF analyze globalization by applying biblical and theological principles from the Christian tradition.

Socialarbetares syn på institutionell påverkan i arbetet med unga lagöverträdare

The aim of this study is to increase knowledge and understanding regarding which institutional demands can be identified by social welfare secretary?s in their work with juvenile offenders. The study uses organizational theory to try and find different institutional strategies that social workers use to handle such demands. The study takes a qualitative approach and consists of six semi-structural interviews with social welfare secretary?s who work with juvenile offenders.The results of the study show how institutional influence comes from various organizations and institutions such as media, legislation as well as the police and justice system.

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